Redneck and Orange commented about how sexy I looked in my last Half Nude Thursday I thought I would show before and after photos of my diet. Some of you have never seen me as I was and some or you (Mary I know you are lurking around here somewhere) haven't really seen me since I lost the weight. This photo is from just over a year ago at my graduation for my MBA...
This one is from Laura's birthday last month...
I am still trying to get down to close to what I was when I got out of the military. That was after I had my I know it's possible. Only problem is that I was 12 years younger then... Oh well, even if don't get down that far I feel much better about myself now. I also feel a heck of a lot healthier. |
Hey man. You looked good back in the day, but you look totally hot now!
And that's all I gotta say.
Breathlessly anticipating this week's HNT...